How SoleSavy works as a Marketplace

Leverage your SoleSavy community to build your sneaker collection buy, sell, trade, assist and find what you're looking for at retail value.

Jason Lam avatar
Written by Jason Lam
Updated over a week ago

Purchasing sneakers direct from retailers isn't the only way to grow your sneaker collection. When you bring the sneaker community together online it's only natural that members will be creating deals and transactions between each other.

Transparency, communication, and reliability are key in any transaction within the SoleSavy community. Please approach every deal with the same level of respectfulness and responsibility you would want someone else to give you.

What you can do:

1. Buy & Sell:

These are the two most popular activities our members do within the community. By utilizing your community, you can find specific sneakers you've been looking for or make room in your collection by selling particular pairs.

2. Trades:

Along with buying or selling sneakers, trades are another great option for you. By simply using the slack channel #tradesonly, you are able to post what you would like to trade & what you are looking for in exchange.

Before you make a trade please ready these guidelines here.

3. Assists:

An assist is when you purchase a sneaker on behalf of another member or vice versa and a member helps you out on release day by attempting to make a purchase on your behalf.

You can ask fellow members to go after UPCOMING releases for you, using the #assist slack channel.

Assisting other members on releases is a great way to help the community and create a reputation as a solid member that others can count on. On the flip side, asking for assists can help your odds on releases that you really want.

4. Looking For:

When you’re looking for a recently released pair that you missed out on, slack channel #looking-for can a be a great place to let the community know that you’re still on the hunt.

IMPORTANT: Any issues during any deal should be brought to your Community Leader immediately. Please provide evidence (screenshots, etc) and our team will evaluate the situation.

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